6. Electricity – 6.5 Complex electrical circuits (teacher instructions) © Siemens Stiftung 2022 CC BY-SA 4.0 international

6. Electricity – 6.5 Complex electrical circuits (teacher instructions)


Experimentation instructions:
Background information on the content and practical information on conducting the “Complex electrical circuits" experiment.

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The experiment builds upon previous learning and experiments, e.g. the simple electrical circuit in 6.1. Knowing about parallel and series connections is foundational for further understanding of subsequent concepts.

One item deals with „Technical application and vocational orientation“.

Information and ideas:
• Students have two options for constructing an electrical circuit with two buzzers:
they can either insert two buzzers in series connection (more likely) or in parallel connection.
Either option is correct.
• The experiment works with buzzers; however, students have to listen carefully to distinguish that buzzers in series ring less loudly. If you have incandescent bulbs, we recommend you to do the experiment with incandescent bulbs instead.
• Depending on the option the students choose first, the observations and documented circuit will differ. Note that there are several possibilities for installing the wiring. Despite the different appearances, they are functionally equivalent. No matter how the wiring for the parallel circuit is installed, the circuit diagram should be drawn correspondingly. Two options plus the diagram for two buzzers connected in series are shown.
• Depending on the electrical circuit built by the students first, “Doing further research” should lead to the second option of connecting two buzzers.
• We strongly recommend teachers to conclude the topic of series and parallel circuits by having the entire class reflect upon the observed differences (see table below in the Miscellaneous notes).
Diesem Medium sind keine weiteren Medien zugeordnet.
Physics; Technology
Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Electrical circuit; Electricity; Energy
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Dr. Ramon Leyendecker
© Siemens Stiftung 2022
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