Inclusive materials for the topic of health Experimento | 10+

The topic can be covered in biology classes in grades 7 and 8, in chemistry classes in grades 9 and 10, and in home economics classes in grades 5 to 10 in secondary schools. The materials are based on the framework curriculum of Saxony-Anhalt and support inclusive teaching.
By using hints, students can independently explore, reflect on, and understand science and technology issues as well as deepen their knowledge about their own healthy lifestyles.
Siemens Stiftung has created materials for inclusive lessons on the topic of health in conjunction with the State Institute for School Quality and Teacher Training in Saxony-Anhalt (LISA).
The files of this media package are available individually, plus all these media are combined in the “Inclusive materials on health Experimento | 10+” PDF file. This file can also be downloaded.