Sound pattern – music to draw to
Music, the sound pattern of which must be illustrated in the form of a picture.
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The music example is part of aural training with music.
Sound pattern means to depict sounds in a pattern/picture. The students hear the music and have to try to express the movements of sound and the different pitches in a graphic e.g. a wavy line for flowing music.
Information and ideas:
The exercise can be done in music lessons as part of learning about music or in stilling and concentration exercises in the course of a lesson.
Relevant for teaching:
Structure and function of a sensory organ
Senses discover the environment
Games to practise using the senses
Sound pattern means to depict sounds in a pattern/picture. The students hear the music and have to try to express the movements of sound and the different pitches in a graphic e.g. a wavy line for flowing music.
Information and ideas:
The exercise can be done in music lessons as part of learning about music or in stilling and concentration exercises in the course of a lesson.
Relevant for teaching:
Structure and function of a sensory organ
Senses discover the environment
Games to practise using the senses
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Arts and Design; Music; Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Elementary school; Middle/high school; Vocational training
Sense of hearing; Hearing training; Listening situation
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