A3 Complex electric circuits (teacher instructions)
Experimentation instructions for Experimento | 8+:
Background information on the content and practical information on conducting the “Complex electric circuits” experiment, which comprises two subexperiments.
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The teacher instructions include information on the following: the main question, relevance to the curriculum, skills, notes on conducting the subexperiments, the research group, further research assignments, and the reference to technology.
The experiment comprises two subexperiments:
• Parallel circuits
• Series circuits
We want to generate more light. What happens when several incandescent lamps are installed in the electric circuit? How must the lamps be connected so that they shine at the same intensity? How many incandescent lamps can be powered by one battery?
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school.
• All materials mentioned in the instructions will have to be purchased directly from commercial sources.
The experiment comprises two subexperiments:
• Parallel circuits
• Series circuits
We want to generate more light. What happens when several incandescent lamps are installed in the electric circuit? How must the lamps be connected so that they shine at the same intensity? How many incandescent lamps can be powered by one battery?
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school.
• All materials mentioned in the instructions will have to be purchased directly from commercial sources.
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Learning resource type:
Personal, social and health education (PSHE); Physics; Technology
Grade levels:
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6
School types:
Elementary school; Middle/high school
Electrical circuit; Energy; Incandescent lamp
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher und Lokando AG, überabeitet unter Mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. Birgitta Kopp (Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität München)
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