ASCII code table Special terms of use of the media portal

ASCII code table


Web resource(s):
What is the ASCII code and how is it interpreted? On this Website you will find the answer as well as a summary of all code values in table form.

English, German, Spanish (CREA)
The terms of use for the linked website apply.
In order for texts to be processable in the computer they must be translated into the language of the computer (coded). The best known code for the Latin alphabet is the so-called ASCII code (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). This assigns a number to every letter and every figure as well as to every punctuation mark and control character.

Information and ideas:
For further study for students and as a reference work for code values.
There are no other media directly related to this file.
Source of information
Information and Communication Technology (ICT); Mathematics; Technology
Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Coding; Communication; Computer technology; Data medium; Data processing; Digital technology; Signal (electricity); Speech; Bit / Byte; Coding; Communication (technical); Data memory; Data processing (electronic); Data technology; Digitization; Signal transmission; Signaling technology; Speech
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El Portal de Medios – das spanische Medienportal – ist umgezogen und heißt nun CREA.
Auf CREA finden Sie weiterhin hochwertige Medien für den MINT-Unterricht und vieles mehr.

Dear User,
El Portal de Medios - the Spanish Media Portal - has moved and is now called CREA.
On CREA, you will continue to find high-quality media for STEM education and much more.

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El Portal de Medios – en español – ha sido trasladado y ahora se llama CREA.
En CREA seguirá encontrando medios de alta calidad para la enseñanza de STEM, y mucho más.

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