Experimento | 8+ values guideline © Siemens Stiftung 2023 CC BY-SA 4.0 international

Experimento | 8+ values guideline


This guideline is designed to support teachers interested in using the work with Experimento I 8+ for successful value formation in science and technology lessons.

English, Spanish (CREA), German
Text (604.2 kByte)
A sense of responsibility, the ability to reason, and independence: These are essential traits for being able to resolutely orient one’s self in today’s pluralistic, complex world and make confident decisions. Successful development of these competencies requires the teaching of values at an early stage. The value aspect has been integrated into numerous experimentation instructions of Experimento | 8+. This guideline is designed to support teachers interested in using the work with Experimento I 8+ for successful value formation in science and technology lessons. The values selected, with input from experts, are listed and can be related to the activities in the learning process of the experiment and to the object of the experiment. An overview of the possibilities for integrating the values in science and technology lessons within the context of Experimento I 8+ is provided at the end. Various methods are presented to facilitate sensitization for values.
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Guideline / Background information
Biology; Chemistry; Personal, social and health education (PSHE); Physics; Technology
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9
Elementary school; Middle/high school
Environmental education; Sense of responsibility; Values
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Prof. Dr. Heinz Mandl, PD Dr. Birgitta Kopp, Dr. Sandra Niedermeier, Dr. Marina Meixner
© Siemens Stiftung 2023
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