Fractions – Getting in touch with rational numbers © Technical University of Munich 2018

Fractions – Getting in touch with rational numbers


Web resource:
Interactive textbook on doing fractions.

English, German, Spanish (CREA)
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This 66-page book contains 90 interactivities. Interactive charts allow students to become acquainted with new content through exploration, and a wide variety of interactive tasks are provided for them to practice. All interactive tasks are designed to be adaptive, meaning the difficulty of the task can be matched to the individual students, and they provide immediate brief and precise feedback related to the task to each student. Some exercises are also designed with a hint system that the students can control on their own to display incremental hints about the solutions.
The individual chapters cover the following topics:
• Dividing a pizza
• Calculating a part of something
• Sharing pizza and chocolate
• Different fractions with equal value
• Fractions on the number line
• More than a whole
• Which fraction is larger?
There are no other media directly related to this file.
Excercise; Worksheet (printable)
Grade 5 to 6
Middle/high school
Doing fractions; Mathematics; Number; E-book; Fractions; Visualization
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Stefan Hoch, Frank Reinhold, Bernhard Werner, Kristina Reiss, Jürgen Richter-Gebert
Technical University of Munich
TUM School of Education
Heinz Nixdorf-Chair of Mathematics Education
Arcisstraße 21
80333 Munich, Germany
Translation: Saskia Brose, Erin Kim, Frank Reinhold, Stefan Hoch
© Technical University of Munich 2018
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