Generator for a wind turbine © By Frisia Orientalis at German Wikipedia, retouched by User:Rainer Zenz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0

Generator for a wind turbine


The photo shows the rotor of a wind turbine generator.

English, Spanish (CREA), German
Image (228.3 kByte)
The photo shows a multipole generator, recognizable by the large number of coils on the outer ring. During operation, these coils move past a stator ring to which a corresponding number of permanent magnets is mounted. The control electronics can be recognized in the interior of the rotor. These multipole generators with permanent magnets deliver good power at a relatively low volume and low mass over a wide range of rotational speeds. They do not require a gearset for adjusting the frequency of the delivered alternating current. Regardless of the rotor speed, the alternating current is first rectified and then fed into the grid at exactly 50 Hz after electronic inversion.

Information and ideas:
How does the frequency of an alternating-current generator depend on the rotational speed? Why do conventional wind turbines have complex variable speed control with a gearset and generators with switchable pole pairs?
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Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Energy; Generator; Power generation; Renewable energy; Wind power plant; Electric power generation; Electric power generator; Energy conversion; Renewable energy; Wind power plant; Wind turbine
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
By Frisia Orientalis at German Wikipedia, retouched by User:Rainer Zenz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
© By Frisia Orientalis at German Wikipedia, retouched by User:Rainer Zenz - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
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