Means of lighting in comparison
An incandescent lamp, an energy-saving light bulb, and an LED are compared in terms of costs and efficiency.
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The comparison as a table shows that although energy-saving light bulbs and LEDs are more expensive to purchase, their total costs are significantly lower over a period of 10,000 hours. In addition, they are much more efficient than an incandescent lamp.
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Learning resource type:
Information sheet
Physics; Technology
Grade levels:
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Ecology; Energy saving; Environment (general); Environmental protection; Future; Incandescent lamp; Lamp; Semiconductor; Technology; Ecology (environmental protection); Energy saving; Environment; Incandescent lamp; Light-emitting diode (LED); Means of lighting; Technology of the future
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