Physics of sound – basic phenomena

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Students can identify strongly with the topic of “sound" in relation to their everyday experience. For young people today the use of electroacoustic devices is second nature, and they are familiar with many everyday sound phenomena even if they might not know the explanation for them.
This media package offers several media files dealing with basic sound phenomena. These represent just a small selection of the large number of media files relating to this topic that are available on the media portal of the Siemens Stiftung. A guideline helps teachers to work through the individual basic phenomena step by step focusing on the following aspects:
1. Phenomenological, i.e. the basic phenomenon is introduced using simple experiments or everyday situations (graphics or illustrations). The associated media can already be used in Personal, social and health education lessons at primary school.
2. Theoretical information in the form of simulations or information sheets are used to scientifically convey the basic phenomena at the level of secondary school physics and technology teaching (in some cases also on a cross-curricular basis with biology).
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