Sense organs – sense of taste
A healthy person has about 4,000 taste buds spread over the tongue, the inside of the cheeks and the throat.
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This medium is made available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 international license.
What does this mean?
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The fact that we can enjoy the taste of our food is the result of interaction between several senses. It is not just through our mouth that we get the messages referring to the taste of food and drink. Our so-called "chemical senses", the actual sense of taste and the sense of smell work together to provide human beings with the ability to recognize a wide range of different tastes and flavours. Scientists are of the opinion that the perception of taste can be trained in a similar way to the sense of smell. They claim that gourmets should be able to train their sense of taste in the same way that perfumiers can.
Information and ideas:
Students can have a tasting session and try to recognize different drinks by tasting them when they are blindfolded:
- Cola
- Water
- Tea
- Fruit juice
- etc.
Relevant for teaching:
The human body
Structure and function of a sensory organ
Reception of stimuli and processing of information
Senses discover the environment
Information and ideas:
Students can have a tasting session and try to recognize different drinks by tasting them when they are blindfolded:
- Cola
- Water
- Tea
- Fruit juice
- etc.
Relevant for teaching:
The human body
Structure and function of a sensory organ
Reception of stimuli and processing of information
Senses discover the environment
Related media:
There are no other media directly related to this file.
Learning resource type:
Biology; Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Grade levels:
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Elementary school; Middle/high school; Vocational training
Sense organ; Sense organ
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