The principle of evaporation © Siemens Stiftung 2018 CC BY-SA 4.0 international

The principle of evaporation


What happens during evaporation?

English, German, Spanish (CREA)
PDF (68.1 kByte) DOCX (92.3 kByte)
Evaporation is one element in the water cycle. Evaporation causes vapor to rise to higher, cooler layers of air, where it forms clouds of small water droplets or ice crystals and then falls to the surface again.

Information and ideas:
Other animations on evaporation can be found under this term. Students should enter the stations of the principle of ecaporation.
The worksheet can be used during in the work phase and in the repetition phase to record the results.
Worksheet (printable)
Chemistry; Geography; Personal, social and health education (PSHE); Physics
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9
Elementary school; Middle/high school
Precipitation; State of aggregation; Water; Water cycle; Precipitation; State of aggregation; Water (manifestation); Water (vital for life); Water circuit
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MediaHouse GmbH
© Siemens Stiftung 2018
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