The tropical rainforest
Content package for interactive whiteboards (for middle/high school):
Individual media related to tropical rainforests are compiled here in a meaningful didactic way for teaching using an interactive whiteboard.
Type of media:
Interactive (4.9 MByte)
Last update:

This medium is made available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 international license.
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This medium is made available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 international license.
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How to reference this medium
Media package:
All media for the package are contained in this zip file. After unpacking, the package can be started by double-clicking on the “start.html” file.
The content package consists of the following media:
• 1 photo: the tropical rainforests of French Guiana
• 4 photo collages on: slash-and-burn and road construction in tropical rainforests (each with a satellite image), eco labels, genetic diversity of crops
• 2 schematic diagrams on species diversity and on temperature variation and rainfall in tropical rainforests
• 1 interactive table with data on carbon storage in the biomass and the forests of the Earth
• 1 interactive labeling photo showing the soil characteristics in tropical rainforests
• 2 interactive labeling graphics on the layers and geographical locations of tropical rainforests
• 3 interactive graphics on the topics: trade winds, typical day in a tropical forest, connection between slash-and-burn and the global climate
• 1 interactive mind map on rainforests in general
• 2 interactive multiple-choice tests with questions on general knowledge about rainforests and their destruction
• 1 matching exercise to deepen the students’ knowledge of the three levels of rainforest protection
• 5 information sheets on the topics: general characteristics of rainforests, soil characteristics, species diversity, genetic wealth, and consumer tips for rainforest-friendly behavior
• 1 inquiry task on the rainforest pharmacy (with link list)
• 1 role-playing game on the dangers for rainforests
• 1 link list
Information and ideas:
The media in the content package are also available as individual media on the media portal.
The content package consists of the following media:
• 1 photo: the tropical rainforests of French Guiana
• 4 photo collages on: slash-and-burn and road construction in tropical rainforests (each with a satellite image), eco labels, genetic diversity of crops
• 2 schematic diagrams on species diversity and on temperature variation and rainfall in tropical rainforests
• 1 interactive table with data on carbon storage in the biomass and the forests of the Earth
• 1 interactive labeling photo showing the soil characteristics in tropical rainforests
• 2 interactive labeling graphics on the layers and geographical locations of tropical rainforests
• 3 interactive graphics on the topics: trade winds, typical day in a tropical forest, connection between slash-and-burn and the global climate
• 1 interactive mind map on rainforests in general
• 2 interactive multiple-choice tests with questions on general knowledge about rainforests and their destruction
• 1 matching exercise to deepen the students’ knowledge of the three levels of rainforest protection
• 5 information sheets on the topics: general characteristics of rainforests, soil characteristics, species diversity, genetic wealth, and consumer tips for rainforest-friendly behavior
• 1 inquiry task on the rainforest pharmacy (with link list)
• 1 role-playing game on the dangers for rainforests
• 1 link list
Information and ideas:
The media in the content package are also available as individual media on the media portal.
Related media:
There are no other media directly related to this file.
Learning resource type:
Interactive whiteboard content
Biology; Business education; Chemistry; Civics and Politics; Ethics; Geography
Grade levels:
Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Middle/high school
Agriculture; Alternative medicine; Biomass; Climate change; Consumer behavior; Ecosystem; Endangered animal species; Endangered plant species; Environmental destruction; Environmental protection; Exploitation (of humans); Greenhouse effect; Habitat; Nutrition; Rainforest; Soil (soil science); Species protection
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
MediaHouse GmbH using media from the media portal of the Siemens Stiftung
Rights holder:
© Siemens Stiftung 2021