What do private households use energy for?
Percentage energy consumption of German and British private households according to different application areas
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The bars show what proportions of the energy consumption in private households are used for room heating, hot water, cooking, lighting, and for electronic appliances. By way of example, the data for Germany and the United Kingdom from 2012 are compared. In addition, the total energy consumption of all households in Germany and the United Kingdom in 2013 is indicated. In addition, the total energy consumption of all African countries south of the Sahara is indicated.
As can be seen from the chart, a large proportion of the energy in a household is used for heating and hot water. But considerable energy is also used for running refrigerators. Some of this energy could be saved by using it sparingly and and deliberately.
Information and ideas:
If you look at the energy consumption of individual areas in their entirety, you will see that heating energy accounts for the largest share at over 60 percent in both countries. From this it follows that there is enormous energy saving potential particularly when it comes to heating. How can that be implemented? A few examples are:
• the construction of energy-saving buildings by paying attention to the influence of daylight and ensuring adequate insulation
• the purchase of energy-efficient household appliances with energy labels A, A+, and A++.
Compared with the two European countries, the energy consumption in Africa is low. One reason for this is that in many regions, only a few people even have access to an energy supply.
Information and ideas:
What energy-saving measures can students take themselves? Specific energy saving tips can also be found in the “Tips for energy saving in the household” medium.
As can be seen from the chart, a large proportion of the energy in a household is used for heating and hot water. But considerable energy is also used for running refrigerators. Some of this energy could be saved by using it sparingly and and deliberately.
Information and ideas:
If you look at the energy consumption of individual areas in their entirety, you will see that heating energy accounts for the largest share at over 60 percent in both countries. From this it follows that there is enormous energy saving potential particularly when it comes to heating. How can that be implemented? A few examples are:
• the construction of energy-saving buildings by paying attention to the influence of daylight and ensuring adequate insulation
• the purchase of energy-efficient household appliances with energy labels A, A+, and A++.
Compared with the two European countries, the energy consumption in Africa is low. One reason for this is that in many regions, only a few people even have access to an energy supply.
Information and ideas:
What energy-saving measures can students take themselves? Specific energy saving tips can also be found in the “Tips for energy saving in the household” medium.
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Learning resource type:
Business education; Civics and Politics; Technology
Grade levels:
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Chart; Ecology; Energy saving; Environment (general); Environmental protection; Ecology (environmental protection); Energy saving; Environment; Graphics
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