Width of right-of-way and magnetic fields with high-voltage lines
The chart shows the necessary width of right-of-way of various transmission line technologies for high-voltage direct-current transmission (HVDC) as well as the magnetic field strength depending on the distance from the line.
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The main arguments against the construction of new power lines are the destruction of the landscape and health hazards. The large north-south HVDC lines planned in Germany are partially being laid as underground cables. This is an optimal solution in terms of space requirements, landscape views, and pollution due to electromagnetic fields. However, the costs for underground cables are three to ten times higher than for overhead power transmission lines.
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Learning resource type:
Geography; Physics; Technology
Grade levels:
Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Energy supply; Induction (electricity); Magnetism; Physics; Pollution of the environment; Transformer
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