B3 How does waste separation work? (student instructions)
Experimentation instructions for Experimento | 10+:
Detailed instructions and questions for students on conducting the experiment "How does waste separation work? – Separating materials by density and magnetism". This experiment comprises two subexperiments.
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The experiment comprises two subexperiments:
• Separation of a mixture of solid substances
• Principle of the separation of aluminum from other non-ferrous metals
For each subexperiment, the students are first provided with an overview of the materials to be used and safety information. This overview is followed by the detailed, step-by-step instructions for conducting the experiment. Afterwards, the students are asked to note their observations. Specific questions are used to guide the students as they analyze the results of the experiments. At the end, the students are asked probing questions related to the experiment (an answer sheet is available for teachers).
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school and discuss it with your students.
• Separation of a mixture of solid substances
• Principle of the separation of aluminum from other non-ferrous metals
For each subexperiment, the students are first provided with an overview of the materials to be used and safety information. This overview is followed by the detailed, step-by-step instructions for conducting the experiment. Afterwards, the students are asked to note their observations. Specific questions are used to guide the students as they analyze the results of the experiments. At the end, the students are asked probing questions related to the experiment (an answer sheet is available for teachers).
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school and discuss it with your students.
Dazugehörige Medien:
Chemistry; Physics; Technology
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school
Condensation (physics); Environmental education; Environmental protection; Magnetism; Recycling; Waste recycling
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Ulrich Mauch, Andreas Rathgeber for Siemens Stiftung
© Siemens Stiftung 2015