Electric circuit and water circuit
Matching exercise:
What functions are performed by the elements of an electric circuit and what are the corresponding elements in a water circuit?
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The students’ understanding of the following eight terms that occur in the context of an electric circuit will be deepened in this exercise: potential, voltage, battery, electricity, current, conductor, resistor, and load.
First, by matching word cards showing the explanations with the individual terms, the students will internalize their meanings. Second, by matching the word cards showing the terms from the water circuit, the students will learn the correspondence between an electric circuit and a water circuit.
Information and ideas:
Due to space limitations, not all elements of an electric circuit can be named, for example, switches, ammeters, and voltmeters.
First, by matching word cards showing the explanations with the individual terms, the students will internalize their meanings. Second, by matching the word cards showing the terms from the water circuit, the students will learn the correspondence between an electric circuit and a water circuit.
Information and ideas:
Due to space limitations, not all elements of an electric circuit can be named, for example, switches, ammeters, and voltmeters.
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Learning resource type:
Physics; Technology
Grade levels:
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Middle/high school
Electrical circuit
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