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This medium is made available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 international license.
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How to reference this medium
Typical sounds occur around the house.
Information and ideas:
Good for illustration purposes in combination with the corresponding recordings.
Possible questions:
- Who can say what the sounds are and explain
them, perhaps even imitate them?
- What sounds are missing?
- Do the sounds differ according to
time of day, time of year and location?
-Who does not like the sound? Who likes it?
Other ideas:
- Students can make noises or sounds of their own
or record them
- Teacher plays recording and students have to
guess which room they are in
Relevant for teaching:
Senses discover the environment
Games to practise using the senses
Information and ideas:
Good for illustration purposes in combination with the corresponding recordings.
Possible questions:
- Who can say what the sounds are and explain
them, perhaps even imitate them?
- What sounds are missing?
- Do the sounds differ according to
time of day, time of year and location?
-Who does not like the sound? Who likes it?
Other ideas:
- Students can make noises or sounds of their own
or record them
- Teacher plays recording and students have to
guess which room they are in
Relevant for teaching:
Senses discover the environment
Games to practise using the senses
Related media:
Creaky wooden stairs (Audio)
Ghosts howling (Audio)
Hair dryer noise when in use (Audio)
Person snoring (Audio)
Radio music (Audio)
Sound of a toilet being flushed (Audio)
Ticking grandfather clock (Audio)
TV noise (Audio)
Washing-up (Audio)
Ghosts howling (Audio)
Hair dryer noise when in use (Audio)
Person snoring (Audio)
Radio music (Audio)
Sound of a toilet being flushed (Audio)
Ticking grandfather clock (Audio)
TV noise (Audio)
Washing-up (Audio)
Learning resource type:
Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Grade levels:
Grade 1 to 4
School types:
Elementary school
Sense of hearing; Hearing training; Listening situation
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
MediaHouse GmbH
Rights holder:
© Siemens Stiftung 2018