The sounds during my day – a record © Siemens Stiftung 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0 international

The sounds during my day – a record


Record template for entering the noises heard during the day with a distinction between disturbing and undisturbing noise situations.

English, Spanish (CREA), German
PDF (44.9 kByte) DOC (56.0 kByte)
In everyday life we are confronted with many different sorts of sound. Some we want, others are unwanted or actually disturbing and are thus perceived as “noise”. Some of these sources of noise can be avoided, others not.
Music, for example, is a wanted sound that we can regulate according to our wishes but that may in many cases be regarded as annoying and disturbing by other people. Noise from a construction site falls into the category of noise we do not want to hear.

Information and ideas:
Students should consciously experience the sounds they are confronted with during a day and enter them in a table. By keeping a written record, they recognize which sounds were “wanted” and which were “unwanted”. This can lead into a discussion of how to define noise.

Relevant for teaching:
Noise: causes, effect, protection
Noise consumption and leisure-time activities
There are no other media directly related to this file.
Worksheet (printable)
Biology; Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9
Elementary school; Middle/high school
Lamp; Sense of hearing; Hearing training; Listening situation; Noise avoidance; Source of noise
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