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Further offers from Siemens Stiftung

Did we stimulate your interest in using Computational Thinking in your science lessons? We have additional offers for you:

Basics of microcontroller programming – using Arduino:

Kopie von Arduino Board     1.8.2 Arduino traffic lights

The worksheets in the Arduino media package introduce working with the Arduino microcontroller. They combine science experiments with the Arduino computing platform and thus offer students the opportunity to apply Computational Thinking in practice.

Media packages on “Algorithms,” “Big data,” and “Artificial intelligence”:


The Algorithms in our everyday lives, Big data, and Artificial intelligence media packages developed by iRights.Lab provide comprehensive information sheets, graphics, and worksheets on promising opportunities and challenges of the digitalized world. They make frequent reference to the students’ everyday reality.

Methods page on Design Thinking:

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Design Thinking is a creative method of making complex problems tangible and developing appropriate solutions in a series of sequential steps. Design Thinking nurtures creative confidence, bringing together our innovative power and our everyday world and society. The linking of STEM education with the Design Thinking process particularly fosters the four skills and abilities of the 21st century that today are considered key competencies for students: creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, and communication. You will find detailed information on using Design Thinking in STEM lessons on the Methods pages on the Media Portal.