A3 Lemon batteries and other batteries (teacher instructions)
Experimentation instructions for Experimento | 10+:
Background information on the content and practical information on conducting the experiment "Lemon batteries and other batteries – Electricity from chemical energy". This experiment comprises six subexperiments.
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The sequence of the subexperiments forms a learning unit that builds upon itself – from the first qualitative investigation of the “electrochemical cell" phenomenon based on simple fruit and vege-table batteries, to the explanation based on the electrochemical series of metals, to the building of powerful accumulators and batteries. This unit can be used both to develop the subject of electro-chemistry and to put knowledge learned about redox chemistry into practice. Of course, the subexperiments can also be conducted individually. Teachers may freely choose the degree of emphasis for each topic. The materials and apparatus supplied allow eight groups of students to conduct the experiments simultaneously.
The experiment comprises six subexperiments:
• How well does the “fruit and vegetable battery" work?
• The “lemon battery": What role does each element play?
• The “lemon battery" without the lemon
• Boosting battery performance
• Spontaneous copper plating?
• A professional zinc-copper battery
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school.
• All materials mentioned in the instructions will have to be purchased directly from commercial sources.
The experiment comprises six subexperiments:
• How well does the “fruit and vegetable battery" work?
• The “lemon battery": What role does each element play?
• The “lemon battery" without the lemon
• Boosting battery performance
• Spontaneous copper plating?
• A professional zinc-copper battery
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school.
• All materials mentioned in the instructions will have to be purchased directly from commercial sources.
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Chemistry; Physics; Technology
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school
Acids; Base (chemistry); Battery; Chemical reaction; Direct current; Energy; Hydrogen; Salt
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Dr. Lutz Stäudel, Prof. Dr. Rita Wodzinski for Siemens Stiftung
© Siemens Stiftung 2015