Humanitarian aid – drinking water filters in use

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Water plays an everyday role in the life of every single person. In view of the growing world population and climate change we are, however, confronted with the problem of an uncertain water supply for the future. In 2005 nearly 5% of the global population already suffered from shortage of water and according to forecasts this figure will reach 37.5% by 2025. The use of decentralized drinking water supply systems using advanced technology could offer a solution for reversing this trend especially in remote regions.
In this connection this media package deals with several topics on the mandatory curriculum: Water as a scarce resource, development aid (partial aspect “Humanitarian aid") and membrane technology (drinking water treatment as an example). These topics can be dealt with very satisfactorily, for example in grade 9–12 in interdisciplinary lessons (geography – sociology – physics).
The media package consists of several media files (graphics, photos, interactive information modules, information sheets, guidelines, topics for presentations and a role play) which support practical, real-world-oriented teaching! Many of the media can be used already in grade 6–8 and also in other subjects, for example ethics/religion or English.
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