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This medium is made available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 international license.
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Experimentation instructions
1. Pull an elastic band over a plastic cup.
2. Pluck at the elastic band.
What can you hear and feel?
3.Then hold the closed end of the cup to your ear. What has changed?
Information and ideas:
Impressive experiments of sound production can be carried out in the classroom by easy means. Distinction can be made between production of sound by means of blowing, plucking and hitting.
Relevant for teaching:
Acoustic phenomena
Sound/acoustics: parameters
Vibrations and waves
1. Pull an elastic band over a plastic cup.
2. Pluck at the elastic band.
What can you hear and feel?
3.Then hold the closed end of the cup to your ear. What has changed?
Information and ideas:
Impressive experiments of sound production can be carried out in the classroom by easy means. Distinction can be made between production of sound by means of blowing, plucking and hitting.
Relevant for teaching:
Acoustic phenomena
Sound/acoustics: parameters
Vibrations and waves
Related media:
Sound propagation (Text)
Learning resource type:
Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Grade levels:
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Elementary school; Middle/high school; Vocational training
Sound; Resonance (physical process); Sound (basic phenomenon); Sound production
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
MediaHouse GmbH
Rights holder:
© Siemens Stiftung 2016