Inner ear section – labeling arrows
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Section with the main parts of the inner ear. The main parts are highlighted in color.
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Both the sense of balance and the sense of hearing are situated in the inner ear.
The inner ear is formed by a complicated system of cavities. This system is called the bony labyrinth.
Distinction is made between the cochlea, the semi-circular canals and, in between, the vestibule. In the cochlea there are two openings each covered with a taut membrane. These are named after their shape, i.e. round window and oval window. The oval window is a sort of entrance for sound and the round window a sort of exit.
Information and ideas:
Helps to put the inner ear in the overall context of the structure of the ear.
Can be used, for example in a worksheet, for work together in class with the digital projector, as overhead transparency.
Relevant for teaching:
The human body
Structure and function of a sensory organ
The inner ear is formed by a complicated system of cavities. This system is called the bony labyrinth.
Distinction is made between the cochlea, the semi-circular canals and, in between, the vestibule. In the cochlea there are two openings each covered with a taut membrane. These are named after their shape, i.e. round window and oval window. The oval window is a sort of entrance for sound and the round window a sort of exit.
Information and ideas:
Helps to put the inner ear in the overall context of the structure of the ear.
Can be used, for example in a worksheet, for work together in class with the digital projector, as overhead transparency.
Relevant for teaching:
The human body
Structure and function of a sensory organ
Dazugehörige Medien:
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Anatomy (human); Ear; Ear (inner ear); Medical illustration
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