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The energy converter is named in the middle. The associated source energy (left) and useful energy (right) can be matched by dragging. The matches can be checked individually after each step or at the end of the exercise. The solution can be shown and hidden at any time.
This exercise provides an entertaining way to promote understanding of energy converters. It also includes a test function with no limit on the number of attempts. The correct solution can be displayed at any time.
Information and ideas:
The symbol icons and the energy forms they represent: plug for electrical energy, conical flash for chemical energy, atom for nuclear energy, gears for mechanical energy, sun for radiant energy, and teakettle for thermal energy.
This exercise provides an entertaining way to promote understanding of energy converters. It also includes a test function with no limit on the number of attempts. The correct solution can be displayed at any time.
Information and ideas:
The symbol icons and the energy forms they represent: plug for electrical energy, conical flash for chemical energy, atom for nuclear energy, gears for mechanical energy, sun for radiant energy, and teakettle for thermal energy.
Dazugehörige Medien:
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Physics; Technology
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Energy; Energy supply; Physics; Efficiency; Energy conversion; Energy efficiency; Whiteboard-compatible
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