Substance properties and particle models
Multiple choice test:
Twenty questions related to the topic. Answers are provided; the correct answers are to be checked. One or more answers may be correct for each question.
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The test can be conducted in one of two ways.
• Each answer is checked immediately. If the answer is incorrect, the student can repeat the question.
• The answers are not checked until the end of the test.
Incorrect answers can be corrected at the end of the test.
When all questions have been answered correctly, students have the option of printing a personalized certificate.
Information and ideas:
The second test mode is particularly suitable for fast test rounds.
• Each answer is checked immediately. If the answer is incorrect, the student can repeat the question.
• The answers are not checked until the end of the test.
Incorrect answers can be corrected at the end of the test.
When all questions have been answered correctly, students have the option of printing a personalized certificate.
Information and ideas:
The second test mode is particularly suitable for fast test rounds.
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Test / Assignment
Chemistry; Physics; Technology
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school
Heat; State of aggregation
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Dieter Arnold and MediaHouse GmbH
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