Power generation worldwide
Information module (with charts):
An examination of worldwide power generation with the following questions: Which country generates how much power? What energy sources are used to generate power? How will power be generated in the future?
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The medium includes information on the power generated in individual countries, indicated in gigawatt-hours (GWh). An accompanying bar chart shows the percentage share of the individual countries’ power generation relative to global power generation. The share of the various energy forms in global power generation is shown in the bar chart for 2014 and 2017 and as a forecast for 2040.
Information and ideas:
With a comprehensive overview of power generation on a global scale, teachers can encourage students to think about the reasons why power generation differs in the various regions. Another question: How can we meet power demand in the future?
Using the following sources: International Energy Agency (IEA); Statista
Information and ideas:
With a comprehensive overview of power generation on a global scale, teachers can encourage students to think about the reasons why power generation differs in the various regions. Another question: How can we meet power demand in the future?
Using the following sources: International Energy Agency (IEA); Statista
Dazugehörige Medien:
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Business education; Geography; Technology
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Biomass; Energy supply; Hydroelectric plant; Nuclear power plant; Power generation; Power plant; Renewable energy; Solar energy; Solar technology; Wind power plant; Biomass; Electric power generation; Energy supply; Geothermal power plant; Hydroelectric plant; Nuclear power plant; Photovoltaics; Solar power plant; Thermal power plant; Wind power plant
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