Sense organ skin – sense of touch and of feel
The skin as sense organ. A gigantic organ which we use to touch and to feel.
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The biggest organ in the human body is the skin.
A twelve-year-old has an amount of skin equivalent to about 20 A4 pages.
The skin has several tasks:
To begin with, to protect against external influences; it can heal itself in the event of minor injuries. And then it is responsible for touching and feeling. We can distinguish between six different sensations: touch, pressure, pain, tension, vibration and temperature.
Information and ideas:
What sorts of things can I feel? Here, it is a good idea to prepare a box full of materials which can be recognised by touching and feeling them.
Relevant for teaching:
The human body
Structure and function of a sense organ
Reception of stimuli and processing of information
Senses discover the environment
A twelve-year-old has an amount of skin equivalent to about 20 A4 pages.
The skin has several tasks:
To begin with, to protect against external influences; it can heal itself in the event of minor injuries. And then it is responsible for touching and feeling. We can distinguish between six different sensations: touch, pressure, pain, tension, vibration and temperature.
Information and ideas:
What sorts of things can I feel? Here, it is a good idea to prepare a box full of materials which can be recognised by touching and feeling them.
Relevant for teaching:
The human body
Structure and function of a sense organ
Reception of stimuli and processing of information
Senses discover the environment
Dazugehörige Medien:
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Biology; Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Grade 1 to 4; Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Elementary school; Middle/high school; Vocational training
Sense organ; Skin; Sense organ; Skin
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