Fizzy water (interactive hints) © Siemens Stiftung 2017 CC BY-SA 4.0 international

Fizzy water (interactive hints)


Incremental hints (interactive):
Six hints and answers are given for the worksheet of the same name in an HTML file.

Englisch, Spanisch (CREA), Deutsch
Interaktiv (1,1 MByte)
Working with incremental hints allows weaker students to develop a solution independently, helping them gain a sense of achievement and experience learning success. The document provides assistance related to the content and learning strategy for solving the task from the worksheet of the same name.

Information and ideas:
The hints and the answers can be used online via the QR code on the worksheet.
Answer sheet
Chemistry; Physics
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9
Middle/high school
Gas; Solution
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Dr. Lutz Stäudel and MediaHouse GmbH
© Siemens Stiftung 2017
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Liebe Nutzerin, lieber Nutzer,
El Portal de Medios – das spanische Medienportal – ist umgezogen und heißt nun CREA.
Auf CREA finden Sie weiterhin hochwertige Medien für den MINT-Unterricht und vieles mehr.

Dear User,
El Portal de Medios - the Spanish Media Portal - has moved and is now called CREA.
On CREA, you will continue to find high-quality media for STEM education and much more.

Estimado usuario, estimada usuaria,
El Portal de Medios – en español – ha sido trasladado y ahora se llama CREA.
En CREA seguirá encontrando medios de alta calidad para la enseñanza de STEM, y mucho más.

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