Comparison of electricity production costs from fossil and renewable energy sources
Information sheet:
The production costs for electricity from fossil and renewable energy sources are shown in a table along with additional information.
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The comparison of production costs for fossil electricity and renewable electricity makes it clear that renewable electricity has become extremely cheap in the interim (as of the end of 2015). Sun and wind cost nothing compared to coal and gas. This results in extremely low electricity prices on the energy exchange.
Information and ideas:
The students could discuss why there is still opposition to changes that would have lasting benefits for the climate, environment, economy, and each and every person.
An inquiry task on “How does the energy exchange work?” could be an interesting assignment for students in upper grade levels.
Another possible inquiry task could be to find out the details of how the local energy supplier establishes the end-consumer price.
Information and ideas:
The students could discuss why there is still opposition to changes that would have lasting benefits for the climate, environment, economy, and each and every person.
An inquiry task on “How does the energy exchange work?” could be an interesting assignment for students in upper grade levels.
Another possible inquiry task could be to find out the details of how the local energy supplier establishes the end-consumer price.
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Information sheet
Business education; Geography; Technology
Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Ecology; Energy; Environment (general); Environmental protection; Nuclear power plant; Power generation; Renewable energy; Technology
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