Development of greenhouse gas emissions © Siemens Stiftung 2022 CC BY-SA 4.0 international

Development of greenhouse gas emissions


Information module:
The charts show the Kyoto Protocol targets and the development of greenhouse gas emissions in fifteen countries of the world, the main contributors worldwide as compared with some African countries, the CO2 emissions per capita of important countries of the world, and African countries, and the development of greenhouse gas emissions in South Africa.

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In 1997, the member states of the United Nations set target values for greenhouse gas emissions in the Kyoto Protocol. In later climate conferences, in Paris in 2012 and in Doha in 2020, the states passed further resolutions to reduce emissions. Although countries largely agree on the goal to limit global warming by 2100 to 1.5°C relative to the preindustrial level, implementation of the reduction targets continues to be difficult. In a comparison of emissions from 1990 to 2019, the information module shows that there has been improvement worldwide. In the comparison of main contributors worldwide, China tops the list in absolute terms. However, on a per-capita basis, China is only half as high as the United States. African countries do not rank as main producers, neither among the main contributors nor in CO2 emissions per capita.

Information and ideas:
It must also be kept in mind that all of the indicated values exclude the CO2 emissions from deforestation and greenhouse gases, such as methane from livestock farming and rice cultivation, as well as nitrous oxide from fertilization and manure. However, these emissions also contribute to global warming.
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Business education; Civics and Politics; Ethics; Geography
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Chart; Climate; Ecology; Emission (environment); Environment (general); Environmental protection; Greenhouse effect; Pollution of the environment; Power plant
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
MediaHouse GmbH
© Siemens Stiftung 2022
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