B5 We build a thermal solar plant (teacher instructions)
Experimentation instructions for Experimento | 10+:
Background information on the content and practical information on conducting the experiment We build a thermal solar plant – With a magnifying glass and mirror. This experiment comprises two subexperiments.
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The two subexperiments on concentrating sunlight with a lens and a mirror are particularly suitable in physics class for the students to become acquainted with some laws of ray optics and thermo-dynamics based on a highly topical subject or to verify material already learned. But the experiments can also be used for a project day on renewable energy or energy transition. The materials and apparatus supplied are sufficient to allow four groups of students to work simultaneously.
The experiment comprises two subexperiments:
• Setting fire to a strip of paper using a magnifying glass as a burning lens
• We heat water with the sun
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school.
• All materials mentioned in the instructions will have to be purchased directly from commercial sources.
The experiment comprises two subexperiments:
• Setting fire to a strip of paper using a magnifying glass as a burning lens
• We heat water with the sun
• Observe the safety information in the instructions as well as the applicable safety guidelines for your school.
• All materials mentioned in the instructions will have to be purchased directly from commercial sources.
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Learning resource type:
Physics; Technology
Grade levels:
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Middle/high school
Energy supply; Environmental education; Lens (optics); Power generation; Power plant; Renewable energy; Solar energy; Sun; Thermometer
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
Ulrich Mauch, Andreas Rathgeber for Siemens Stiftung
Rights holder:
© Siemens Stiftung 2015