Central and distributed energy supply
Schematic diagram:
Comparison of the layouts of central and distributed electric power grids.
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Image (173.4 kByte)
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This medium is made available under a CC BY-SA 4.0 international license.
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Power supply and district heating a examples of central energy supply and require an extensive infrastructure.
However, distributed and possibly even autonomous systems are also conceivable. Renewable energy sources are particularly suitable for this purpose.
Information and ideas:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of central and distributed energy supply systems? When and why did central energy supply develop and become established? And why is the distributed energy supply approach increasingly under consideration today?
However, distributed and possibly even autonomous systems are also conceivable. Renewable energy sources are particularly suitable for this purpose.
Information and ideas:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of central and distributed energy supply systems? When and why did central energy supply develop and become established? And why is the distributed energy supply approach increasingly under consideration today?
Related media:
There are no other media directly related to this file.
Learning resource type:
Grade levels:
Grade 5 to 6; Grade 7 to 9; Grade 10 to 13
School types:
Middle/high school; Vocational training
Chart; Ecology; Energy supply; Environment (general); Environmental protection; Power generation; Renewable energy; Solar technology; Wind; Ecology (environmental protection); Energy industry; Energy supply; Environment; Graphics; Photovoltaics; Power distribution; Renewable energy; Wind
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
MediaHouse GmbH using material from: Dmitry A. Mottl - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2835356 (Coal-fired power plant; license: CC BY-SA 3.0)
Rights holder:
© Siemens Stiftung 2018