Dangers to tropical rainforests
Interactive schematic diagram:
The man-made dangers to tropical rainforests are shown.
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Dieses Medium steht unter einer CC BY-SA 4.0 international Lizenz.
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Six dangers to tropical rainforests are shown and explained:
• Creation of pastureland for cattle farming
• Creation of cropland for feed crops and plants to produce biofuels
• Logging to acquire building materials
• Extraction of raw materials
• Building of dams
• Building of roads
The consequences are addressed at the end.
The individual dangers can be shown by clicking the “Next" button. A short explanation can be displayed for each danger by clicking the corresponding button.
• Creation of pastureland for cattle farming
• Creation of cropland for feed crops and plants to produce biofuels
• Logging to acquire building materials
• Extraction of raw materials
• Building of dams
• Building of roads
The consequences are addressed at the end.
The individual dangers can be shown by clicking the “Next" button. A short explanation can be displayed for each danger by clicking the corresponding button.
Dazugehörige Medien:
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Interactive graphic
Personal, social and health education (PSHE)
Grade 1 to 4
Elementary school
Climate change; Crop; Environmental destruction; Environmental hazard; Hydroelectric plant; Livestock; Rainforest; Raw material depletion; Whiteboard-compatible
Siemens Stiftung Media Portal
MediaHouse GmbH using photos from sarangib (intact rainforest, license: CC 0) and Dr. Tom Deutschle (cleared rainforest, license: CC BY-SA 4.0 international)
© Siemens Stiftung 2016